Resident Involvement

Want to make a difference in your local community?

Unity has launched our “Make a change fund” to support ideas from our residents who want to organise activities or make improvements to enhance the environment of where they live.

Funds of up to £250.00 could be awarded to your community for:

• Activities that involve your neighbourhood such as a street event or coffee morning
• Improvements to your environment such as funds for setting up a gardening group or installing new flower beds or providing garden furniture
• Funding to support children’s activities in the summer holidays
• Improvements to the safety and security of your home

This is only some of the things that we could provide funds for, but if you have an idea that you think would benefit your community then get in touch.

Who can apply?

Any resident of Unity Housing Association can apply to receive funding

How can I apply?

Contact our Tenant Involvement Officer on 0113 2007751 or email with a short paragraph outlining your idea and how it would benefit your community.

Alternatively please download the form to the right of this page and return to Unity Housing Association 117 Chapeltown Road, Leeds, Freepost NEA2498 LS7 3HY