Frequently Asked Questions
Find the answers to your questions
Below you will find some of the questions we are most frequently asked.
How do I apply for a Unity home?
To apply for one of our properties you have to have registered with Leeds Homes. To register contact www.leedshomes.org.uk. You can also pick up an application form from our office. Our staff will be happy to help you complete your application.
If you are already a member of Leeds Homes, you can apply to rent one of our properties. Click here to find out if we have any properties available and follow the links in order to apply online. New properties become available every Wednesday morning and you have until 5pm on the following Monday to apply.
For more information visit our Publications page and download our leaflet ‘Applying For A Home’.
When should I pay my rent?
You can pay your rent weekly, fortnightly or calendar monthly. Rent is due in advance of the coming week/fortnight/month. You can pay your rent in a number of ways. For more info go to the Publications page and download our leaflet ‘Paying Your Rent’.
When is my rent due to go up?
Your rent is due to increase April each year. You will receive a letter informing you of this and will be given at least 4 weeks notice. If you pay a service charge, this will also be reviewed each year. Your letter will tell you what services you are paying for and what the cost works out as. Service charges can go down as well as up.
How is my service charge calculated?
Service charges are cost-based meaning you only pay for the services that you receive. Unity does not make a profit. For more information, visit our Publications page and download our leaflet ‘Service Charges’.
How often do I get a rent statement?
We send out our rent statements every quarter, so you will usually receive them in July, October, January and April. You can view your rent statement online at any time by logging in to My Unity.
Can I move to another Unity home?
You may be able to move to another Unity home when it becomes available. This is called a ‘transfer’. You must have a good reason in order for us to consider a transfer request. This is something you should talk about with your Housing Officer. To find out who your Housing Officer is and how to contact them, click here.
If you need a smaller or larger home, you can also swap homes with another housing association or council tenant anywhere in the country. This is called a ‘mutual exchange’. Visit this page in order to find out more about the mutual exchange process.
For more information, visit our Publications page and download our leaflet ‘Mutual Exchanges & Transfers’.
I am struggling to keep up with my rent payments. What can I do?
Unity has a dedicated Income Management Team Leader who will help you reach a solution if you are struggling with your rent. Our Income Management Team Leader will help you make sure you are claiming all the benefits you are entitled to, help minimise your spending, and help you tackle any problems you have with debt. Visit this page to find out more.
If you would prefer to speak to someone else about your money worries, please visit our Publications page and download our leaflet ‘Welfare Support & Advice.’ You will find details of other organisations you can turn to for help.
Can I get my home adapted to help me with my disability?
You will probably find that your home can be adapted, but this may not be something Unity can pay for. You might have to apply to the Council for a grant instead. For more information, visit our Publications page and download our leaflet ‘Aids & Adaptations’.
How do I report a repair and when will it be done?
There are a number of ways in which you can report a repair. Most tenants choose to call our office on 0113 200 7700 but you can also report a repair using this website. Complete the contact form on this page to tell us what the problem is and when you are available for us to come and fix it.
Emergency repairs will be carried out within 24 hours. Urgent repairs will be carried out within 3 days. Routine repairs will be carried out within 21 days.
If you have an emergency repair, call our office immediately on 0113 200 7700. If our offices are closed, listen to the recorded message to find out who you should call instead.
What is Unity responsible for repairing in my home?
For more information about what Unity will repair, please visit this page. As a rule, Unity will not repair anything that belongs to you and if we have to repair anything that has been damaged by you, we will recharge you.
This page will also give you information about the changes you can make to and around your home and whether or not you need permission to make them. For more detail please visit our Publications page and download the leaflet ‘Repairs Responsibilities’.
When am I getting my new kitchen/bathroom?
Unity expects a kitchen to last 15 years and a bathroom to last 25 years before it needs completely replacing. You may not have to wait this long, but Unity will not spend money on replacing items that are already in good condition. For more information, please visit our Publications and download our leaflet ‘Planned & Cyclical Maintenance’.
Can I make my relative/partner a joint tenant?
You can request for a family member to become a joint tenant. There are rules that govern whether your request will be approved. This is something you can discuss with your Housing Officer. You can find out who you Housing Officer is and contact them by clicking here.
My partner has just died, what should I do?
You need to contact Unity inform us of your bereavement. If you are not a joint tenant then you will have to apply to succeed the tenancy. You need to discuss this with your Housing Officer. You can find out who your Housing Officer is and contact them by clicking here.
Can I buy my home?
The Right to Acquire is governed by strict legislation. Most of our properties will not qualify and as a tenant you have to meet certain requirements yourself. Find out if you are eligible by visiting our Publications page and downloading the leaflet ‘Right To Acquire’.
Can I keep pets?
You can – but you must ask our permission first. For more information about what sort of pets you are allowed to keep and how to be a responsible pet-owner please visit our Publications page and download our leaflet ‘Keeping Pets’.
I am having problems with my neighbours, what can I do about it?
Neighbour problems, anti-social behaviour and harassment take various forms. They can range from a barking dog, loud music or worse still violence. If you experience problems please contact your Housing Officer to ask for help and advice. You can find out who your Housing Officer is and how to contact them by clicking here.
Normally we will ask you first if you have tried to sort things out, for example by asking your neighbour to turn their music down. We will tell you what you need to do, what evidence we may need and how we can take action. We promise to take your problem seriously and thoroughly investigate.
For more information please visit our Publications page and download our leaflet ‘Anti-Social Behaviour’.
I think I have a pest problem, what can I do?
Unity Housing Association does not take responsibility for treating infestations.
If you find mice, rats, fleas, cockroaches or any other pests in your home, you need to contact a local pest-control company to treat them. You will have to make these arrangements yourself and pay for the service you receive.