Your Tenancy
Domestic Violence
Here at Unity we are committed to supporting people who are suffering domestic abuse – one of the biggest issues in today’s society.
Definition of domestic abuse
Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. This can encompass, but is not limited to, the following types of abuse:
- psychological
- physical
- sexual
- financial
- emotional
Some signs of domestic violence and abuse
There are different kinds of abuse, but it’s always about having power and control over you. If you answer yes to any of the following questions, you might be in an abusive relationship.
Psychological abuse
Does your partner ever:
- belittle you, or put you down?
- blame you for the abuse or arguments?
- deny that abuse is happening, or play it down?
- isolate you from your family and friends?
- stop you going to college or work?
- make unreasonable demands for your attention?
- accuse you of flirting or having affairs?
- tell you what to wear, who to see, where to go, and what to think?
- control your money, or not give you enough to buy food or other essential things?
Threats and intimidation
Does your partner ever:
- threaten to hurt or kill you?
- destroy things that belong to you?
- stand over you, invade your personal space?
- threaten to kill themselves or the children?
- read your emails, texts or letters?
- harass or follow you?
Physical abuse
The person abusing you may hurt you in a number of ways. Does your partner ever:
- slap, hit or punch you?
- push or shove you?
- bite or kick you?
- burn you?
- choke you or hold you down?
- throw things?
Sexual abuse
Does your partner ever:
- touch you in a way you don’t want to be touched?
- make unwanted sexual demands?
- hurt you during sex?
- pressure you to have unsafe sex – for example, not using a condom?
- pressure you to have sex?
If your partner has sex with you when you don’t want to, this is rape.
Make a Stand
Unity has signed up to the “Make a Stand” pledge. This has been developed between partners the Chartered Institute of Housing, Womens Aid and the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance.
You can come into the office and make a report. You can use our website to make a report, you can go to the Police or you can use one of the helplines at the right of this page.
- West Yorkshire Police In case of immediate danger 999. Non-emergency (ask for the Police Safeguarding Unit) 101
- Domestic Violence Unit on (0113) 3859590
- Leeds Domestic Violence Service (LDVS) – 24-hour Helpline for anyone in Leeds wanting immediate advice, support and information – 0113 246 0401
- National Domestic Violence Helpline – a Freephone 24 hour helpline, run in partnership between Women’s Aid and Refuge, and is a national service for women experiencing domestic violence, their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf – 0800 2000 247
- ManKind Initiative – a confidential helpline for all men across the UK suffering from domestic violence or domestic abuse by their current or former wife or partner – including same-sex partner – 01823 334244.
- HALT (Help, Advice and the Law Team) – HALT delivers the Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVA) service
as part of LDVS, offering advocacy, advice and support to those at the highest risk of domestic and sexual violence and abuse, stalking, forced marriage and honour based violence – Referrals: 0113 246 0401 Professionals: 0113 244 2578
- Respect – Respect is the UK membership organisation for work with domestic violence perpetrators, male victims of domestic violence and young people’s violence in close relationships – Are you hurting someone you love – 0808 802 4040. Men’s advice line – is someone hurting you – 0808 801 0327