Employment Service At Unity
Unity Housing Association - Employment Services Team
Unity Employment Services Team (UEST) was set up May 2011 to support Unity tenants and the communities in which they live to get back into employment and training.
Similar to the previous Tenants Into Work (TIW) project run by Unity from 2008 to 2011, the work of the employment service team is based on the need to assist people who are furthest from the labour market.
The team has worked to establish contacts within the training and employment sectors so that tenants have a variety of services they can use, depending on their own personal circumstances.
How can the Employment Services Team help?
Each person has an individual reason for unemployment and the team ensures that each customer has an individual plan tailored to their specific needs.
The team offer support with:
- Confidence building
- Basic I.T
- Application guidance
- Interview skills
- C.V writing
- Advice on employment
- Support to find training opportunities
- Career guidance
- Help with job searching
- 1-2-1 support
- Work experience
We offer many different sessions, workshops and one to one meetings, if you check our News & Events page or the ‘Upcoming Events’ section on the right side of this page you can keep up to date with what we are doing.
You may find something that interests you and we’d love to meet you.