Unity Employment Service Team win at Northern Housing Awards

Congratulations go to the Employment and Enterprise Teams for winning:

Northern Housing Team of the Year

In the last financial year, the team helped 198 people to find jobs, 256 people to improve their skills and employability through training and 15 people enter voluntary work. Since being established in 2011, it has supported 3131 people into employment and training.

They have engaged with candidates in several different ways, including through job fairs delivered in collaboration with schools and community groups. The team helped with job applications and preparation of CV, job search training and interview role play exercises.

The newly refurbished Leeds Media Centre has been a game changer especially as a catalyst for the teams’ effort to help local women and girls to establish and grow their own sustainable business. In recent weeks, its has hosted the inaugural meeting of West Yorkshire Ethnic Minority Women in Tech, bringing together women from various professional backgrounds to exchange business ideas, network and share good practise. It has also launched Breaking Barriers, an innovative series of workshops to provide female entrepreneurs from black and ethnic minority ethnic communities in Leeds with tailored support, guidance and mentorship to develop their skills and grow their business.

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