Golden guests help to celebrate Unity's "Silver" anniversary

On Wednesday 12 September, Leeds-based Unity Housing marked its silver anniversary with a golden guest. Denver Adams, Unity resident and mother of Olympic champion boxer Nicola Adams, attended the 25th birthday celebrations at Unity’s Annual General Meeting.

The evening not only recognised the association’s achievements over the past 25 years but also Unity’s contribution to help Golden girl Nicola make history.

Chief Executive of the National Housing Federation, David Orr, was chief guest at the meeting with key note speeches also from Naz Parkar, Head of North and West Yorkshire Area, Homes and Communities Agency.

The guests also heard from Belinda Lathem, representing Unity’s Tenant Scrutiny Panel who told the meeting about the part the panel plays in shaping how housing services are delivered to Unity’s tenants.

The meeting also heard how Unity helps residents into employment and training opportunities from Stefan Stubbs who was recruited by Unity’s contractor Forrest as an apprentice to enable him to complete his plumbing NVQ course. Stefan and his young family were also able to get on the housing ladder through Unity’s new development of low cost shared ownership homes.

Former students of the Leeds College of Music, where the celebration was held, provided entertainment alongside poetry recitations from the Leeds Young Authors who are based at Unity Enterprise’s Media Centre.

Ali Akbor, Chief Executive of Unity said “Unity is extremely proud to be marking 25 years of helping local communities to achieve their full potential. What better example of our success than Nicola Adams and her family. I am delighted that so many people could join us tonight to recognise Unity’s achievements.”

On celebrating the 25th anniversary Mr Akbor continued: “As an independent BME (Black Minority Ethnic) housing association we are looking forward to another 25 years of providing choice, improving life opportunities and addressing inequalities.”

“It is a very exciting time for Unity and we have very ambitious plans for the near future that will see the organisation grow. We have new housing developments planned and we are making significant investment in our enterprise centres both of which will have a positive impact in all aspects of our local community.”

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